In areas where electronics are manufactured or in areas that can be electrostatically charged by people or machines, the floor must have a sufficiently high electrostatic dissipation to eliminate the risk of damage. For these environments, ESD protection areas are required, (ESD : Electrostatic Discharge) where special ESD coatings are installed.
The KÖSTER ESD System has a structure that provides maximum protection against unwanted electrical charges. The product system consists of the conductive layer KÖSTER ESD 175, which is a solvent free epoxy resin dispersion that is simply applied with a roller. After only two hours, it is cured and can be connected to the building grounding with the adhesive copper tape KÖSTER ESD 476.
Afterwards, the solvent free, self-levelling coating KÖSTER ESD 275 is applied as the top coat. After cure it not only protects the concrete from chemical and mechanical stresses, it also maintains the high electrostatic dissipation required for an ESD protected area. The KÖSTER ESD System has been tested according to the DIN EN 61340-4 by the KIWA Polymer Institute Ltd. The excellent test results allow the KÖSTER ESD System to be used in rooms with very high requirements.
Always adhere to the specifications in the respective Technical Guidelines.